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Layers Feel The Power Update

Welcome to the Layers Feel the power update. This will introduce many new features such as a shop with permanent power-ups, achievements, waves and even mods! These features will be released in two parts.

Part I: Strong Foundation

This new update builds the main code needed to build the second part of this update. Whats to come in this new update? V1.1.0

  • Achievements
  • Waves of enemies and new battles

Part II: Final Touches

This is the final part added to the FEEL THE POWER update. Which adds the most important features of them all. V1.1.5


Why is the shop so important? It adds permanent power-ups to your character. But these aren't any normal power-ups. These can range from fireballs to lasers to all sorts of different things.

This will also contain mods that adds different enemies into your game!

Project Version V1.1.5 Once released. Free game, contains real life Purchases but does not limit gameplay.

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